Get involved today! We have several ongoing initiatives and ways you could help our cause:
Sponsor Us
We are always looking for sponsors to help with our local youth and under-served families with vision issues. Our board does not draw a salary, so all of your donation is used to support vision programs. Click here to go to our donation page.
Tea and Biscuits
You may also want to come to the next event, the “tea and biscuits” extravaganza. This is a luncheon who’s proceeds go toward sponsoring a local youth with vision issues. Click here for more information about that event.
Vision Screening Kits
We need help packing our vision screening kits. These kits are donated in large quantities to local schools in an attempt to help identify children with poor vision. Our home page contain more information on what is included.
Fun Buttons
Our fun buttons were designed by local eye doctors. The proceeds from their sale are all donated to the foundation to help with vision screening and donated to vision groups directly involved with children services and seeing eye dog support. Click here for more information.
Cataract Book
If you have a cataract, or know someone who does, you may want to purchase the “Cataract Handbook” online at Amazon. This book explains the process of cataract surgery and reviews all the latest options in premium and laser surgery. All royalties from this book are donated to the foundation.